40 let študija krajinske arhitekture
December 7th, 2012
Tags: 40 let, 40 years, book, book design, knjiga, krajinska arhitektura, landscape architecture
Category: delo
Uf, je že dolgo, od kar smo gulili te stare klopi na faksu. Vmes se je marsikaj spremenilo. Klopi so nove, prav tako prostori in predmetnik, a ko pridem po stopnicah na vrh stavbe na Jamnikarjevi in zagledam množico maket na hodniku, se mi zdi, kot da se spet vračam nazaj v čas … Pred kratkim smo ob 40. obletnici študija skupaj obujali spomine, za slavnostni dogodek pa sem oblikovala zbornik in plakat.
It’s been a long time since we sat at those old tables in college. A lot has changed since then but still when i come up the stairs of our landscape architecture department again and see all those models laying around the hall it somehow still feels the same … We celebrated the 40th anniversary of landscape architecture studies in Slovenia a while ago and for this occasion i designed a poster and a book.
December 7th, 2012
Tags: 40 let, 40 years, book, book design, knjiga, krajinska arhitektura, landscape architecture
Category: delo