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Uf, je že dolgo, od kar smo gulili te stare klopi na faksu. Vmes se je marsikaj spremenilo. Klopi so nove, prav tako prostori in predmetnik, a ko pridem po stopnicah na vrh stavbe na Jamnikarjevi in zagledam množico maket na hodniku, se mi zdi, kot da se spet vračam nazaj v čas … Pred kratkim smo ob 40. obletnici študija skupaj obujali spomine, za slavnostni dogodek pa sem oblikovala zbornik in plakat.

It’s been a long time since we sat at those old tables in college. A lot has changed since then but still when i come up the stairs of our landscape architecture department again and see all those models laying around the hall it somehow still feels the same … We celebrated the 40th anniversary of landscape architecture studies in Slovenia a while ago and for this occasion i designed a poster and a book.

40 let študija krajinske arhitekture

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se še spomnite, kako sem par tednov nazaj jamrala o tem, kako sem pribit za računalnikom? no, včeraj je končno izšla knjiga, ki me je zaposlovala nekaj tednov. poleg oblikovanja in preloma me nanjo veže tudi moja prvotna stroka, ki ji očitno ne morem kar tako ubežati ;) zadevi smo tudi že primerno nazdravili, zdaj pa me napadajo že novi znanilci zabubljenosti pred ekranom …

remember how i was complaining about  working all the time a couple of weeks ago? well the main reason for this was a book design i was working on and the book is finally published. it’s about trees in the urban environment – apparently it’s hard for me to escape from landscape architecture :) we already gave it a proper toasting and now my mind is already set on new upcoming projects …

Mestno drevje

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