Archive results for the 'Divača' category/tag:

V Divači je bilo v petek zvečer v zraku nekaj posebnega … Polna luna, super amient letnega kina Muzeja slovenskih filmskih igralcev, tisti retro zvok predvajanja starih filmskih kolutov, zvezdno nebo in prijetna družba. Ob ogledu serije starih kratkih filmov o Krasu nam smo se navduševali nad posnetki iz časov, za katere se zdi, da so se tudi v resnici odvijali v črno-belem. Ob koncu smo se spet sprehodili skozi muzejsko trgovinico in psssssst – na zalogi je le še nekaj kitajskih Kekcev, zato hitro pot pod noge!

There was something in the air on Friday in Divača … Full moon, great atmosphere at the open air cinema of the Museum of Slovenian film actors, that special sound of old movie film rolls running, stars in the sky and nice company. We were really impressed by the selection of short movies about Slovenian Karst region from the good old times that seem to have been happening in back-and-white mode only. At the end we also walked through the museum shop again and I saw that they still have a couple of Kekec posters left :)

Muzej slovenskih filmskih igralcev Divača

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