Archive results for the 'travel' category/tag:

Istanbul Instagram vol.4

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Istanbul Instagram vol.3

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Istanbul Instagram vol.2

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Istanbul was more than amazing!

Istanbul Instagram vol.1

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danes sta na svojo pogumno 15 mesečno pot okrog sveta krenila postojnska ljubljančana, ki sta mi v preteklih dveh letih močno prirasla k srcu. vsi, ki zaenkrat še ostajamo na sončni strani alp, bomo z velikim veseljem in pričakovanjem prebirali vesti o vseh popotniških prigodah na njunem blogu življenje je pot. zato si ga tudi vi hitro pospravite v svoje readerje, bookmarkse in fejvoritse.
barby in simchy, srečno! ko prideta nazaj, gremo pa na en orng ajmoht ;)

two very special people started their courageous journey around the world today. the rest of us who still spend most of our time on the sunny side of the alps will eagerly anticipate new posts full of fresh traveling adventures on their blog during the next 15 months. the blog will probably be written in slovenian but don’t let that stop you from looking at the photos form time to time ;)
barby and simchy, good luck!


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