Katarina & Janez
September 23rd, 2013
Tags: bride, groom, nevesta, poročna fotografija, poroka, wedding, wedding photography, ženin
Category: objektiv
Pred dvema letoma ju je za vedno povezal mali Benjamin, letos pa sta svojo zaobljubo ljubezni podpisala tudi uradno. V čast mi je bilo, da sem lahko zabeležila spomine na njun dan v obliki fotografij. Katarina in Janez, naj bo vajina skupna pot dolga in sladka!
Two years ago little Benjamin made them a family forever, but this summer they decided to make it official. It was an honougr to take photos of their wedding and help them capture the memories of that day for years to come. Katarina and Janez, may your path together be long and sweet!
September 23rd, 2013
Tags: bride, groom, nevesta, poročna fotografija, poroka, wedding, wedding photography, ženin
Category: objektiv