No.3 by Mina Fina
October 12th, 2011
Tags: bikofe, chair, makeover, mina fina, prenova, retro, stol
Category: stoli
Številka 3 se je pojavila tudi na nedavni Bikofejevi dražbi, preoblekla pa jo je nadsuper Mina Fina. Seveda mi je uspelo dražbo zamudit in se sedaj tolčem po glavi … Bikofe, se nam morda obeta še kakšna ponovitev? Obljubim, da pridem!
No.3 also came up in another version of makeover by a great designer Mina Fina for the recent auction in Bikofe bar. Of course i managed to miss the whole thing and now i’m really sorry … So, Bikofe – please do another one, i promise i’ll come!
foto via Bikofe FB page (Suncan Stone) & Bikofe www (Tilen Sepič)